
Creating a Sign for a Photography Business

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Creating a Sign for a Photography Business

Ever since childhood, I’ve loved to take pictures. Some of my favorite snapshots are of beautiful landscapes, historical landmarks, friends, and family members. Because I’m not the most skilled picture taker, I definitely admire the work of professional photographers. If you take pictures for a living, consider investing in a beautiful, descriptive sign to hang in front of your business establishment. Don’t be afraid to display some of your best work on the sign. Also, think about listing your business’s name, e-mail address, and phone number on your custom sign. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of creating a sign for your business, no matter your services.

How to Make Signs That Have Appeal

Appealing signs can make a huge difference in efforts to promote businesses, products, services, and ideas. There's more to make an appealing sign, though, than hiring the right sign printing company. Here are 5 ways you can contribute to the process.

Keep it Simple

Every sign you put up should have a message that a passerby can quickly distill. If the sign is informative, for example, try to get the name of your business and your contact info on there with little else. Remember that appealing messages don't always have to be word-driven. If you're selling an entertainment destination, images of people having fun can say a lot. Even a choice like using the color black as a signal for a classy restaurant can convey tons of meaning.

Heighten Readability

More accurately, simple text styles are important. A person seeing your sign may not give it much attention. Readability is critical, and that means you don't want to use fonts with lots of flourishes for anything that's primarily informative. Afford one inch of text height for every 10 feet you expect a viewer to stand from the sign, too.

Don't Blend

If a sign is going up in a gray concrete landscape filled with buildings, you don't want to have a gray sign. Try to stand out for the surroundings without clashing. Use a simple color scheme that emphasizes one or two colors. For example, a combination of red with black and white can be very dramatic.

Present a Consistent Brand

Whatever branding you use for sign printing projects should be consistent with everything else you use. Logos and color schemes, in particular, ought to be consistent between what goes on the signs and stuff folks will see elsewhere on TV, the internet, social media, letterhead, vehicle graphics, or mail items.

Some folks try to establish two styles of branding, especially if they have very long names that don't fit on small signs. For example, a company with a 20-letter name might use the first letter as the featured player in a simpler logo. If you do this, you'll also have to establish the second style of branding on other items so folks see it and understand its value.

Know the Local Regulations

All localities have rules regarding where signs can go and what they can look like. Before you drop money on a project, make sure you have compliant specifications by discussing your plans with someone at the code enforcement office. You can learn more by contacting sign printing companies.